Leadership Message: Perfect is the Enemy of Good

“I can’t believe I messed up.  I froze, Dad!  Don’t you understand?  I froze out there and totally messed up that routine” – Amanda Wright, my daughter

These were the first words my daughter uttered to me Friday night after her high school dance/drill team spring showcase.  Tears were literally flowing down her face as she crawled in the car, her body trembling with emotion and her words staggering in disappointment. 

Stay with me for a minute as I describe the situation.  You see, my daughter is a new member of the high school dance/drill team, called the Markettes.   A short six weeks ago they held their annual try-outs for this cheer dance squad, and she was one of only a dozen freshmen to make this squad.  An avid dancer, she had always dreamed of being a Markette.  Continue reading