What your Ch’i says about you…

“Your energy introduces you even before you speak”


Recently I was visiting one of my branch operations when a team member made an interesting comment to me.  “Are you OK?” she asked.  “Yes, why?” I responded.  “Because I’m sensing a vibe with you right now that suggests otherwise”.

You could have knocked me over with a feather.  A vibe?  What kind of a vibe?  What in the world was she talking about?  Heck, I came in to the office clean shaven and sharply dressed.  I was composed, professional – like I always am.  And I didn’t think I had any type of scowl or frown on my face.

And yet she sensed a vibe.  She sensed a negative energy that stood out clearly in me.  My energy introduced me well before I even spoke a word.  And had I not been given the feedback or a chance to reframe, I would have left a completely different impression than the one I hoped to leave with my fellow team members.

So when I saw this quote pinned to the branch leader’s wall in this very same office, I had to take note and reflect on its importance.

“Your energy introduces you even before you speak…

In the study of martial arts, many of the disciplines emanating from the Asian continent speak of a term called “ch’i”.  Ch’I (or qi) is described as an individuals “life force”.  Other ancient cultures have a similar concept – “ki” in Japanese, “prana” in India, and “Great Spirit” in Native America.  It is an energy within us that differentiates a corpse from a living body.  This energy de and is as real as the physical bones and muscles we can touch and feel.

What these cultures also believe is that this energy can be channeled to create a healthy mind and body, or if left unmanaged, can lead to unhealthy outcomes.  The ancients believed so fiercely in this that many rituals and practices were tailored to nurture and channel ones Ch’i.

You have no doubt seen examples of small framed men and women with less than impressive physiques breaking boards, bricks, or other hard surfaces with their bare hands – and left with no damage to their bones or muscles.  They achieve these feats by channeling their Ch’i – their life energy.

Now, this is not a message designed to encourage you all to become martial artists.  Rather, the reference is designed to help illustrate both the importance and power of the energy we all carry in us.  Our life force.

In leadership, and in our own pursuit for personal success, this same energy can be used.  It can be channeled and controlled as long as we have an awareness of its existence and a willingness to feed it.  And as they say, what goes in, must come out.  Positive energy channeled within exudes positive vibes to others.  No doubt you have heard the term “he/she lights up a room”.  How?  Well, in many respects, its their energy level.  Its their output.  Their energy introduces them before they speak.

So, what does your energy say?